Placement Options

Placement Options

Direct Placement

Direct hire positions are permanent, usually full time positions with benefits. A direct hire position is one in which the client company utilizes the staffing company to find the talent, then hires them directly. A candidate offered a direct hire position is not an employee of the staffing company, but goes directly on the client company payroll.  Hiring a permanent employee means writing an enticing job description, getting the word out, screening resumes, interviewing candidates and onboarding.

Temporary Placement

(Not available in all states)
These are positions where the employer would like a full time employee, but does not want to commit to a permanent offer up front. During the temp to hire period, the employee is considered working for the staffing firm and paid by the staffing firm. Clients seeking temp to hire candidates through LPC Staffing are sincere in their desire to hire permanent staff members and not just “kicking tires.” This can be a benefit to job seekers as well as companies.

Temp to Perm Placement

(Not available in all states)
These are positions ranging from one afternoon, to full time work for up to a year. The important thing to know is that there is no promise of the position turning into a permanent position with benefits. Often, though, temp positions are extended past the original end date. And sometimes temporary positions can turn into temp to perm positions or open up the door to a full time permanent job later on. A temporary employee is considered an employee of the staffing agency and paid by the staffing agency until the organization chooses to permenantly hire the employee.

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