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“The key is understanding the type of person you are and playing match maker with yourself before making a career of playing match maker with clients and organizations seeking employees.” –

Robert Hill – CEO

Are you interested in Recruiting?


1.  Time Flexibility
2.  Get Paid for Results
3. Unlimited Pay Potential
4.  Every Day is different
5.  Helping clients find work
6.  Grow your network
7.  Work from home


1.  Dealing with up & downs
2.  Highly Competitive
3.  Be able to hanle rejections
4.  People change thier minds
5. Must be extremely organized
6.  You’e on the phone a lot
7.  You listen a lot
8.  Can be draining for an introvert
9.  Must be patient
10. Easier to eat unhealthy
11. The beginning can be rough
12. Difficult to shut down

Are you interested in Recruiting?

The world of recruiting is a 150 billion dollar industry.  In this recruiting field the requirements are simple, satisfying and only designed for a select few.  Some say that being a recruiter is the best industry that anyone could be a part of, while others say that the difficulty level is too high to actually make this into a sustainable long term career.  At the end of the day it’s all about you.  What type of individual are you?  How patient are you?  Are you competitive?  Are you organized? Can you handle long conversations?  Are you attentive listener?  How good are you at building relationships? These are key components that we look at before bringing anyone on board.  

Do you need experience to be a recruiter?  Not at all.  We understand that in order to be successful, the value of effective communication and building relationships is non-negotiable.  Matching a licensed professional to an organization that seeks particular skills isn’t easy but can rewarding when done correctly.  Anyone with drive and determination can do this but mental health professionals will have the advantage as an LPC Recruiter because you will not only know the terminology that’s associated with various positions but most of you have been in the shoes of someone looking to break into the mental health field or looking for a career change.  Building relationships, learning daily & networking with other professionals are the main goal in this industry.

As displayed above from what we consider to be the “Pros” and “Cons” of being a recruiter, the “Cons” may win in comparison but rewards of the “Pros” are much better.  Being a successful recruiter depends on the type of perspective you have. LPC Staffing wants to keep it within the community because we are truly in the business of “helping professionals help people”.

If you love the idea of working from home, creating your own hours and determining your income then click the button below and to recieve the Pay

Importants Tips to Live By as a Recruiter

*   It’s not just about money

*   Remember why you started

*   Stay motivated at all times

*   Be addicted to the process

*   Learn how to properly read resumes

*   No deals are ever certain

*   Always keep your promises

*   Stay active and eat healthy

*   Prioritize your entire day

*   Make sure you get a lot of sleep